Wednesday, 4 January 2017

我在沙大的日子|Bon Odori 2016

回顧 >> Bon Odori 2015 <<。不知不覺,已經參與了日本文化社 JCC 以及籌辦Bon Odori 近3年。每一年承擔的職位不一樣,今年我是JCC副主席也是Bon Odori籌委副主席。

「The night breeze carries the sound of taiko drums and bustling activity. Dancers circle the stage in step with the rhythmical music. Bon odori is a summer tradition cherished by the Japanese.」

讓我告訴你什麼是盆踊りBon Odori? Bon Odori 是日本的其中一個夏季慶典,以舞蹈伴隨著太鼓聲慶祝。Bon Odori 也稱為盆舞節, 最初的目的是為了敬奉和歡迎先人的靈魂回來,而在日本的每個地區有各自獨有的舞蹈和音樂。如今,盆舞節已演變成聯繫感情的歡樂日子。盆舞的舞步簡單節奏緩慢,所以容易跟上,每個人都能夠一起跳盆舞。盆舞節是日本以外以及馬來西亞最大型的日本文化活動,這是為了促進和加強馬來西亞和日本之間的外交關係。


每一年AJK還是會練習Bon dance,活動前最後的練習。





活動大門剛開就開始下雨,詢問過舞者的意願後,他們可以在雨中跳舞。不知怎麼的,他們跳舞之後雨也停了,難道soran bushi 是停雨歌? 停雨啊停雨。你們跳得超好看的!

所幸這場雨下得不久,而且雨過天晴還出現彩虹!Bon Odori 中的彩虹,對我們來說是一份非常棒的禮物。

盆舞節的重點 — 盆舞時段。 Sensei 非常欣慰,今年比往年一起跳舞的人更多,可以圍三個圈多。最讓人興奮的是,參與者都非常自願參與跳舞,不需要AJK們去拉動。

活動的非常重要人士 VVIP 是亞庇日本大使館的 Ms Hiroko Matsuo 和沙巴大學的校長 VC Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah。 超開心的,Vice-Chancellor of UMS 難的出席我們的活動。

「女兒節在每年的三月三日,從二月中起,日本家族便會開始擺放一種獨特的玩偶,並在節慶結束後,繼續展示幾天。這些玩偶稱作雛形人偶hina ningyo,象徵平安時代(公元794-1185 年)皇室家族舉行婚禮的過程。雖然今日多數家族盡量以最少數的簡化玩偶組合,只擺放天皇、皇后玩偶與少數擺飾。若為全套,則包含15副雛形人偶、種類繁多的擺飾,以五階或七階鋪上紅地毯擺放。」—資料摘自網路。


Senbun Sakura 千本櫻結合了傳統及modern的日本舞蹈。


我的protocol leader! 永遠都如此漂亮的Joane姊姊。 



更詳細的解說,關於Bon Odori:

Q: What is this event about?
A: Bon Odori (盆踊り) is a traditional summer festival that is celebrated with dances and lovely drum performances to welcome the homecoming of ancestral spirits. In Japan, every region have their own unique bon dance and music to be play during the event.
People will gathers around a high wooden scaffold and dance according to the rhythm of traditional Japanese music. Bon dance is easy and slow, so everyone can enjoy the happy moment dancing together. 
For Bon Odori at UMS, we not only preserve the traditional of Bon Odori, but we also increase the delight of it. Various kind of performance can be watch and lot of japanese food and goodies waiting for you to purchase on that day. 

Q: Where will Bon Odori held in Malaysia? 
A: In Malaysia, Bon Odori Festivals are also celebrated every year in Esplanade (Padang Kota Lama) Penang, Panasonic Stadium in Shah Alam, Selangor, and also Universiti Malaysia Sabah at Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. This is the only Bon Odori festival celebration in East Malaysia.
Information from Consular office of Japan in Kota Kinabalu

Q: What is the entrance ticket for Japanese Cultural Night? 
A: It is a fan with design on both faces of fan, it also a souvenir for participants. 

Q: What should I wear to the Bon Odori festival?
A: Traditionally, participants wear the yukata or light cotton kimonos so do wear them if you have one!
Otherwise, light t‐shirts and pants with sandals or sneakers will be fine!

Q: Why wearing yukata during festival?
A: The yukata in recent years, has been known to be a symbol of summer along with natsu matsuri (summer festivals), and a symbol of youthful exuberance. 

For more information on following activities, you may follow our official Facebook page - UMS Japanese Cultural Club

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